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How to buy masks

2020-06-22 16:24:01

How to buy masks


1. Dust blocking efficiency

The dust blocking efficiency of a mask is based on its blocking efficiency for fine dust, especially for respirable dust below 2.5 microns. Because dust of this particle size can directly enter the alveoli, it has a great impact on human health. Dust-proof masks are composed of activated carbon fiber mats or non-woven fabrics. Those respirable dust less than 2.5 microns pass through this filter.

2. Degree of closeness

The anti-side leakage design of the mask is to prevent air from passing through the gap between the mask and the human face without being sucked through the filter. Air is like a stream of water, where the resistance is small, it flows first. When the shape of the mask is not close to the human face, the dangerous objects in the air will leak in from the tightness and enter the human respiratory tract. So, even if you choose a mask with the best filter material. Nor can it protect your health. Many foreign regulations and standards stipulate that workers should regularly test the tightness of masks. The purpose is for workers to choose masks of suitable size and wear masks according to the correct steps.

3. Comfortable to wear

In this way, workers will be willing to insist on wearing them in the workplace and improve their work efficiency. The maintenance-free masks in foreign countries do not need to be cleaned or replaced. When the dust barrier is saturated or the mask is damaged, it will be discarded. This not only protects the hygiene of the mask, but also saves workers the time and energy to maintain the mask. Moreover, many masks adopt arched shapes, which can not only fit well with the face shape, but also retain a certain amount of space in the mouth and nose, and are comfortable to wear.

Previous:What are the precautions for wearing a mask2020-06-22 16:22:45
Next :There are several kinds of medical masks2020-06-22 16:25:30


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